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(1 edit)

just downloaded the linux version, have to chmod +x for it to be executable (idk if this is common practice for linux releases? didn't see anyone else mentioning this in the comments) but its not too much of a hassle anyway :)

its very cute n chill, hopefully this will help my brain focus on what it needs! time to get working!


chmod +x is necessary any time Linux programs are distributed in .zip files.  Zip doesn't save any of the system flags that Linux uses to determine if something's a usable program, so the system assumes it's not unless it tell you.

This could be fixed if the program were re-compressed into a .tar.gz archive instead of a zip archive, but it'd have to be done on a Linux [or Mac I guess?] computer because Windows doesn't track those tags either (so they would still not exist).  It's not really a big deal, but it might be good if DU&I mentioned it in the readme.

Sorry for long response you didn't really ask for, I just thought this might be useful information for someone.

ooh thanks for the info! (probably learned about this in school but has completely forgotten about it haha, appreciate this lil refresher! :> )

When I package up games, I've had good luck zipping a game with the Windows built-in folder right-click "Send To => Compressed (zipped) Folder". It marks everything in the folder as executable when Linux and Mac users unzip it. Third-party archivers like WinZip or 7-Zip usually don't mark files as executable, and require the permissions fix with chmod u+x.

Oh! Thanks. We'll try that for Linux then :D

thanks for the info! we'll add that to the description!

absolutely wonderful. thank you!

Glad you like it! :)

(1 edit)

Can you say what game engine did you use?

Hi! It was created with the Godot Engine.


This is great, but the music quality sounds... distorted? Like it's underwater? Is that supposed to be how it is?

It doesn't sound like it's distorted for me, maybe it's just the headphones you're using

Ok! Thanks. :)

This helps me so much with my homework and projects, its like magic. Normally videos from YT of Lo - Fi doesn't make me focus on my homework, but this app its different.

(12 edits) (+3)

The awesome tool i love the underlying idea, some things that could be added maybe:

1 History log of activities for example

(5:30pm) programming :30 min,

(6:00pm) reading 1 hr,

(7:00pm) drawing 1 hr etc

2 An activity timer that starts from 0 sec and stops when you stop it. In some cases, you don’t know how long something will take.

For example, you could start an activity “Programming” and stop it whenever, which for example could be at 53 min or any other time.

3 Furthermore instead of looking for the songs themselves, you could try to integrate Soundcloud API and look for songs there. It’ll be alright as long as you follow the Soundcloud API Terms of Use, although i could imagine it might be a bit hard in Godot but should be pretty doable.


I love this to bits, but I shan't lie, could do with some more expansive songs choices. I have a pretty large backlog of chill jazzier stuff if you'd like some tracks to expand on the tracklisting?


Heya Theo,

we'll definitely expand the track list. We are in touch with the creators of these songs, asking for permission to use them in this free tool, so confirmation takes a while :)

Good shit, can't wait.

Nice, I love it!

Works great on Linux, if you want any suggestions, I would recommend making a random song selection so that when you deactivate the music and activate again it starts with a new song.

Great work! <3


Hey! Yeah reworking the music player will be the next big update that we'll work on this weekend :)

This helps me focus on my work more! Thank you so much :D



amazing app. one suggestion is a pause button since I don't wanna keep closing and opening it

haha yeah! Since this is my first project and I didn't know how to programm that i always "alt f4"rd the programm :'D
Will be working on a pause- and end- timer

I love so much the cat!!! its so cute!!!!

Meow ^W^

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Works very nice on Linux (openSUSE Leap 15.2)

Glad to hear that! :)

This is amazing! The laptop with shifting lights is an amazing feature! Any way to possibly put in our own music?


At the moment our quickfix will be to add a music player with shuffle and add more songs.
But unfortunately we are both new to programming and have no idea how to add such a feature.

No plan for the mac version? (sob)

yea im kinda crying as well u_u

we'd love to, but to build for mac you need to own a mac :(

we'd love to, but to build for mac you need to own a mac :(

Thanks for the reply. I really love the concept. 💕

We might get a mac soon! :D:D
However that does not mean that a build will be there quickly. We are already scared because of the building process... but wel'll see! :)

I came looking for this exact comment. still very pleased with the program. great job!

Hey! We just released a mac version!

Hey! We just released a mac version!



This is very cute :) Will definitely use this to get some writing done! :D

I'd like some more setting eventually! Like resolution and the like :)

There will be abig UI rework at some point :)
For now we are working on improving the music selection

i love it, it's so cute and relaxing!

Thaaank yooouu!

Cuuuuute, I love it. <3

Yay ^_^Thanks!

Well, I know what I'm using to help get through the next chapter in my textbook on Friday.

Great little app, well done for putting it out there and congratulations for finishing it!


You can do it!!

Thanks so much :) So happy that people are finding a use for it.


Seemed to work great on Linux :)

Liam thanks for the tip, I read the posts about this on GoL website.

Another Linux user who came here via the Gaming On Linux website. 

Works great, and the beats are solid. I'm very much on board with this experience.

Thanks for the article :D We will update the Linux version on itch alongside the windows one and probably also release it on steam so users can acess it via their preferred platform.

i honestly don't have school or work for now but next semester i'm gonna start college and i need to see if this is effective, because i have focus issue.thanks for your work 

Thanks so much for giving it a shot!

Deeply appreciated :)


Ahhh.... thank you for helping wrangle my ADHD goblins into a semblance of hyperfocus.

Heya edgebug,

we're glad Virtual Cottage is useful to you! :-)

This is AMAZING!!! I love the rain sounds, and the music is so chill. This really helps with focusing. This is so useful, thank you SO much!!!!!

We're happy you like it :)

Pretty coo, this really helps with studying and other things!


We're glad it helps you with your studies!

(1 edit) (+1)

For Some feedback:

(Just my personal opinion although some of you might agree)

- The ability to change the background color 

- A way to add your own music

- Different UI themes or customizability (button layout, size, etc...)

Just some suggestions, thought yall might apricate some feedback :)


Thanks so much for your feedback!
We definitely want to add multiple backgrounds and maybe even ui themes.
Regarding music we don't know how to best handle that right now. A first "fix" will add a better player and new songs.
Since the game is also on steam we have no idea if it's possible to let players add their own music without any problem. But we have it on our "list of future updates" and will look into it :D


This looks amazing and I'd love to install it on my work computer, but it's running on Ubuntu and I have no clue how to install a software on Linux. Could anyone help me out?

Just extract the ZIP archive wherever you want, make the file ending with .x86_64 executable and run it like you would normally do on Windows.

i have been such an apathetic little shit this year, but this really has helped me, thanks


Don't drag yourself down! 2020 is probably the most challenging year for most of us :) we're happy that Virtual Cottage helps you




You're a fucking life saver.


Glad you found it useful :D


If you need help regarding Linux testing, let me know. I'm on Arch linux


Will do! I'll try to build the Linux versions one day after the Windows updates (so I can fix any bugs that windows has)

wow, all I can say is thank you! I didn't know I needed this and tbh it does help when concentrating! Great idea!


yaaaay thanks so much for your comment :D

(2 edits) (+1)

the music in the app is too small, I hope you can fix this problem. But overall, this is a really good app ( Windows 7 )

Yeah more music is on the list of future updates. I also wanna rework the music player completely

the sound didnt work on my windows 10 idk if this is a bug

you have to click the music note icon, but that is totally an oversight on my end and in v4.1. the sound starts when the app does.

(1 edit)

The sound dont work on my linux pop os , but overall thank you so much for this app!

you have to click the music note icon, but that is totally an oversight on my end and in v4.1. the sound starts when the app does so it's clear that you can click the icons. Linux 4.1 will come out tomorrow

The problem was in my speakers that for some reason they are 2 quiet and i didnt hear it, thank you so much again for this amazing project! You rock man!

(1 edit)

Can someone help me ? Every time I go to open the game a warning appears that says:Your video card driver does not support any of the supported OpenGL versions.Please updated your drivers or if you have a very old or integrated GPU upgrate it. Please help me, i really wanna play this game!
(1 edit)

It looks like your graphics card doesn't support openGL, you need to upgrade your GPU or find driver updates for your GPU. That is, if your GPU dose have drivers that support openGL. (GPU stands for graphics card)

(1 edit) (+1)

How can i do it ? i dont anything  much of computers :/


Sorry it doesn't work for you :(

Try to find out which graphics card you have (probably Nvidia (green icon) or Radeon (red icon)). If you google "How can I find out which graphics card I have in my PC" there should be a step by step guide for you to figure it out.
Once you know which model you have, you google your graphics cards name and the word "driver". There you should be able to find the newest software update for your card.
I'm super bad with this stuff as well, but updating drivers is never a bad idea :)

If you can't really figure things out, you can always look at a YouTube tutorial :). 9 times out of 10, you just need a graphics card driver update.

If you are using a very archaic laptop that came bundled with an antiquated variation of an integrated graphics card then there isn’t much you can do.

That would be worst case scenario because you would then need to purchase a more modern device.

If you are using a Windows Operating System then you can check your card and model by doing the following: Start Menu > (Search for)Run > (Then, type in) DXdiag.exe Into the white entry and then press the enter key (or select “OK.”)

You can choose “System” or “Display” to take note of your computer specs.

it says that windows protected my pc, but im assuming its fine?


Yes, this is fine. Windows dose that because the software is not signed.

(1 edit) (+1)

Will try to fix that in a future update if I can figure out how :)

It's not too big of a deal. I think windows actually wants an address and everything so dont worry too much about it. (im not that smart tho, please dont get mad at me)


hehe i'm not mad :) I don't know anything about that stuff either. This is my first game project with a new engine and I'm using it to learn all these things. Oh! And thank you so much for checking out the game btw :D

C: You're doing an amazing job. Thank you for making it!

Eh, well you can't really sign a windows application without having a windows developer account, but it should be fine unsigned.

ye thats what i thought. i know of other safe programs that are like this.


this would've been so helpful lol

i developed a focus problem during quaratine.

but hey, i get to use it now!!!

(note i havent used it yet, but im rlly excited for it to finish downloading C:)


Me too! That's why I buit this haha
Let me know how it goes for you :D


I thought I was the only Person listening to that YouTube lofi Sound :) love the art work!

Did you do that cabin with magicaVoxel? Any tipps for getting started? :)


Hey! I always listen to Low-Fi or these Café music streams while working. Just very relaxing :)

I made the graphics in photoshop using isometric perspective and a lot of patience. I'll uploade a video-devlog soon where you can see the process.

For Voxel art I would recommend looking at some basic pixel art tutorials first. They teach you a lot about shapes and color. Adapting that knowledge into 3D Voxels should be easier after learning the basics in 2D.


Really enjoyed this, it makes working super comfy! Lil bit of feedback, maybe for the rain setting have their be a little rain noise aesthetic? I find that really relaxing sometimes :)

Hey! Thank you so much :D
Do you mean the rain graphics or the sound? Or something like adding water droplets/rain in front of the whole scene, not just in the back?

I meant the sound sorry! So you select the rain option, and you see rain falling outside but maybe have a rain sound with it too? :) (Hopefully that makes sense xD)


There should be looping rain sound. Are you using the linux or windows version?

Oh I just tried again and I can hear it, it is quite quiet though!

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